No Child Left Behind Act

This presentation provides context to the No Child Left Behind Act and associated legislation

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September 19, 2022

Inquiry-driven, this project may reflect personal views, aiming to enrich problem-related discourse.

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MLA: Grullon, Amelia. “No Child Left Behind Act.” Institute for Youth in Policy, Institute for Youth in Policy, 20 Sept. 2022,

APA: Grullon, A. (2022, September 20). No Child Left Behind Act. Institute for Youth in Policy. Retrieved [Insert Today's Date] from


The Institute for Youth in Policy wishes to acknowledge Marielle DeVos, Paul Kramer, Riya Kataria, Lilly Kurtz, and other contributors for developing and maintaining the Programming Department within the Institute.

Amelia Grullon


Amelia Grullon is a New York-based student and leader. She is passionate about education and environmental policy. She has worked across several of NYC's cultural institutions, including the New York Botanical Garden and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. She mentors and tutors children in academics, digital literacy, social-emotional learning, and career readiness in her free time. She aspires to pursue environmental policy in her professional future.

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