Editor Internship

Editors work with 3-4 policy writers per week in order to edit policy papers and provide feedback to all types of Policy Writers throughout the writing process. Editors may also be responsible for planning and assisting with YIP Educational Events.

We’re sorry, this position is not accepting new applicants at this time.

Position Title and Description

Editor Internship, Policy Media Publishing

Editors work with 3-4 policy writers per week in order to edit policy papers and provide feedback to all types of Policy Writers throughout the writing process. Editors may also be responsible for planning and assisting with YIP Educational Events.

The right applicant has...

Previous experience in policy writing is highly encouraged. Candidates should be strongly motivated about writing. They should also be informed and passionate about various policy areas. They will communicate, cooperate, and negotiate with policy writers and fellow editors.

Not quite convinced? You can check out some examples of finalized policy papers at https://www.yipinstitute.org/policy

Other Information


Policy Media

Posted On

January 18, 2024

Applications Due


Previous experience in policy writing is highly encouraged. Candidates should be strongly motivated about writing. They should also be informed and passionate about various policy areas. They will communicate, cooperate, and negotiate with policy writers and fellow editors.

Not quite convinced? You can check out some examples of finalized policy papers at https://www.yipinstitute.org/policy

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