The Politicization and Nationalization of American K-12 Education

This research review essay explores the increasing politicization and potential nationalization of American K-12 education, its impacts on students, teachers, and parents, and the potential benefits and drawbacks of a nationalized curriculum.

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June 2, 2023

Inquiry-driven, this project may reflect personal views, aiming to enrich problem-related discourse.

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Since its founding years, the United States has greatly concerned itself with providing stable education, notably through the Northwest Ordinance in the union’s early years of existence.

As the nation shifted towards a highly-educated workforce throughout industrialization and modernization, various states began taking education reforms to set up public schools, and thus the American public education system, although widely disconnected between states, was birthed.

However, this geographic disparity in education has ultimately morphed into a political one as regional and state politics have been gaining increased influence over the contents and methods to teaching K-12 level students in their respective areas.

This divergence in educational value based on region is acting as an early initializer for political indoctrination, and this paper seeks to clearly identify what the effects of school politicization are on various parties involved, as well as some possible solutions for lawmakers and advocates to consider.

Greene, Peter. "Education And The Politicizing Of Everything." Forbes, 14 June 2022,

Alleyene, Akilah. "Book Banning, Curriculum Restrictions, and the Politicization of U.S.
Schools." Center for American Progress, 19 Sept. 2022,

Carnegie, Megan. “Gen Z: How young people are changing activism.” BBC, 8 August 2022,

National Curriculum Information Center. “"Education System of Korea."” NCIC National
Curriculum Information Center, Accessed 26
May 2023.

UK Safer Internet Centre. “Free to be me research.” UK Safer Internet Centre, 11
February 2020,

Yoon Kim

Policy Analyst

Yoon (Brian) Kim is a Public Health policy analyst at the Institute for Youth in Policy. He is a two-time participant in the YIP fellowship program, and prior to joining the public health team, he wrote for various nonprofit organizations and journals on historical and sociological topics.

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