Indonesia: Diversity, Natural Wealth, and a Leader's Commitment to an Inclusive Future

You've been elected leader of your country. What would you say during your inaugural address to inspire the citizens of your country, including those of every race, religion, political party, and creed?

Published by

Salma Amanda Latifa


March 6, 2024

Inquiry-driven, this article reflects personal views, aiming to enrich problem-related discourse.

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You've been elected leader of your country. What would you say during your inaugural address to inspire the citizens of your country, including those of every race, religion, political party, and creed?

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This was the winning submission for YIP's Fall 2023 International Essay Contest. Notes from our team:

This essay shined in particular because of its excellent integration of academic research, personal voice, and policy-oriented focus. Furthermore, as an organization that greatly values youth civic participation, the essay’s focus on the importance of youth in the modern world deeply resonated with our team. Fantastic work.

Indonesia has been an integral part of my life journey since childhood. In its cultural diversity, proudly known as the "Land of a Thousand Names," Indonesia stands as a beacon. In moments like these, as a national leader, I feel a profound responsibility entrusted by the people. This responsibility arises not only from Indonesia's abundance of natural wealth, dynamic young demographics, and outstanding regional economic potential but also from my upbringing in this diversity.

There are several messages I wish to convey as I stand before the public as a national leader. Firstly, I am acutely aware that Indonesia's natural wealth, encompassing tropical forests, volcanoes, and beautiful seas, is a precious asset that must be managed wisely. The utilization of natural resources must align with sustainability principles to ensure a legacy for future generations.

This is further emphasized by the assertion that the wealth of natural resources should be utilized for the maximum prosperity of the people, not for a select few. This aligns with the view of the Chairman of the Justice and Unity Party of Indonesia, Sutiyoso, who states that all natural resources and the nation's wealth should be fully controlled by the people for their well-being.
Wise management of natural resources is also a crucial part of national development. Article 33, paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia emphasizes that the management of natural resources must be for the welfare of society. In the context of energy, increasing the government's role in managing national energy sources is also a focus to maintain the country's sovereignty.

The utilization of natural resources must also consider environmental sustainability. Standards for business certainty and the conservation of natural resources are crucial in maintaining environmental quality and forest preservation.
Secondly, the presence of a young demographic in Indonesia is not just a statistic but a significant potential that we need to explore and nurture. Quality education and skill training are the primary foundations for shaping a resilient young generation. Investment in an effective and inclusive education system will create a basis for progress and improved wellbeing.

Ki Hajar Dewantara, the Father of Indonesian Education, once said, "Ing ngarsa sung tulada, ing madya mangun karsa, tut wuri handayani," which literally means "In front, provide an example, in the middle, create initiatives, in the back, provide encouragement." This statement reflects the importance of the role of an educator in guiding and directing the younger generation, emphasizing that the significance of quality education lies in the community's ability to face changing times.

In the era of society 5.0, full of technological advancements and global challenges, the younger generation must be equipped with relevant knowledge and skills. This includes digital literacy, analytical skills, and creative thinking, all essential in facing a constantly evolving world.

Skill training should also receive serious attention, not only in formal education but also in practical and applicable learning that aligns with the needs of the job market. In doing so, the younger generation can become a reliable and adaptive workforce, capable of competing in an increasingly competitive global market.

The creativity and innovation spirit of the younger generation are valuable assets that can drive economic growth and national development. They bring fresh ideas, innovative perspectives, and positive energy that can bring about positive change for society and the country. Therefore, creating an environment that stimulates creativity and provides support for innovative ideas is key to shaping a bright future.

As a leader, I am committed to prioritizing investment in the education and skill training sectors. Quality human resources are the most important capital for a nation's progress. By empowering Indonesia's young demographic through appropriate education and training, we are not only building an excellent generation but also laying the foundation for sustainable and inclusive development.

Furthermore, there is an issue that has caught my attention, the issue of internships undertaken by many young generations in Indonesia today. According to Hops.ID, some companies in Indonesia still adopt an internship payment model in the form of experience. Although it provides valuable insights into the job, this model sometimes raises questions about fairness and whether internships should be considered as a job deserving equal compensation.

While internships are often seen as an investment in skill and knowledge development, it should be noted that interns also make a real contribution to companies. Therefore, questions regarding internship payments highlight the importance of discussing and establishing clear standards regarding the rights and obligations of both parties.

In the midst of this issue, it is necessary to consider evaluating the internship payment system more comprehensively. This includes establishing clarity regarding the tasks and responsibilities of interns, providing substantial learning opportunities, and developing a fair compensation system, whether in the form of salary or other forms of reimbursement.

As a leader, I am committed to providing guidance and encouraging dialogue and collaboration between the government, companies, and educational institutions to create a balanced and beneficial internship environment for both parties. This is a crucial step to ensure that Indonesia's younger generation not only receives valuable learning opportunities but is also valued for their contributions to the workforce.

It is important to remind every Indonesian citizen, without exception, that the welfare of this nation is a collective responsibility. We must all unite, contribute, and support each other. This principle is emphasized by the spirit of our national motto, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, which states that our diversity should be a strength, not a division.

In conclusion, I want to summarize that the things I want to convey as a leader are for Indonesia to become a more prosperous, just, and inclusive country. Through cooperation, awareness of diversity, and a commitment to sustainable development, we can lead Indonesia towards a brighter future and ensure that every Indonesian citizen feels the benefits of the nation's progress. Let us together realize these aspirations.


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Salma Amanda Latifa

Essay Contest Writer