The Question Regarding Haiti

Published by

Ivan Jose Paiewonsky


November 15, 2023

Inquiry-driven, this article reflects personal views, aiming to enrich problem-related discourse.

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For decades, the poverty and political instability of the Republic of Haiti have been a subject of global disputes. The moral irresponsibility of its neighboring country and the abandonment of action by the international community have turned the question regarding Haiti into an ignored crisis. In fact, the Human Development Index (HDI) ranked Haiti at the 163rd position out of 191 countries, making it the country with the worst growth indicator in the Latin American and Caribbean region.

A significant part of the failure of the Haitian nation can be attributed to its political instability and widespread institutional corruption. In recent years, Haiti has witnessed a presidential assassination, a dense presence of criminal organizations, numerous natural disasters and the illicit trade of weapons and narcotics. Consequently, uncontrolled immigration to neighboring shores, including Cuba, the United States, Jamaica, and the Dominican border, has highlighted the desperation of the Haitian people in their search for better opportunities.

The question regarding Haiti has become complex and multidimensional. On one hand, there is the interest of the international community in addressing the Haitian crisis through humanitarian aid, peace missions, and more recently, the enactment of a military intervention by the Security Council in its Resolution S/RES/2700 (2023). However, permanent members of the Security Council have raised concerns about the effectiveness of these interventions, historically having a track record of failures. The second side of the coin emerges from the moral responsibility of its closest countries, specifically the Dominican Republic.

The relationship between the Dominican Republic and Haiti is fluctuant and marked by a series of historical, cultural, and socio-economic factors that have contributed to challenges in their relationship. Currently, borders are closed due to diplomatic disagreements regarding the deviation of a canal and the plague of criminal organizations in Haiti.

It was the current Prime Minister of Haiti, Ariel Henry, who, in his speech to the General Assembly on September 22, emphasized the agony and the lack of coverage for the human rights of the Haitian population. In his own words, "[...] in the name of the women and girls raped every day, of the thousands of families expelled from their homes, of the children and young people of Haiti who have been denied the right to education and instruction, in the name of an entire people who are victims of gang barbarism...". His plea for help goes beyond the boundaries of comprehension and makes us question: What can really be done?

The dichotomy of the question regarding Haiti increasingly demonstrates a failure of diplomacy and the principles of humanity upon which the United Nations was founded. Indeed, the multidimensions of the political, migratory, geographical, and social crises still echo in the face of the international community's neglect. It will be a matter of time that will determine the future of the Haitian nation as long as the necessary measures are not taken to ensure the fulfillment of human rights for the most vulnerable.

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Ivan Jose Paiewonsky

2023 Summer Fellow

Ivan is 18 years old. He is an enthusiast of behavioral economics, market dynamics, urban environmental innovation, monetary public policy, and patent research.

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