The issue of Climate "Saviorship"

This presentation scrutinizes the unjust disparity in climate change impacts and solutions, highlighting the negligent treatment of low-income and racially diverse communities in the United States. It underscores the urgency for comprehensive policy changes and community-driven efforts to ensure a fair fight against climate change.

Published by


June 2, 2023

Inquiry-driven, this project may reflect personal views, aiming to enrich problem-related discourse.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet conse adipiscing elit

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet conse adipiscing elit

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet conse adipiscing elit


This presentation scrutinizes the unjust disparity in climate change impacts and solutions, highlighting the negligent treatment of low-income and racially diverse communities in the United States. It underscores the urgency for comprehensive policy changes and community-driven efforts to ensure a fair fight against climate change.


The Institute for Youth in Policy wishes to acknowledge Paul Kramer, Carlos Bindert, Gwen Singer, and other contributors for developing and maintaining the Programming Department within the Institute.

Sean Speegle

2023 Cohort B Fellow

Author's Page

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